quantum attacks Drive Products

Incident Date:

April 29, 2022

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quantum attacks Drive Products


Drive Products




Mississauga, Canada

Ontario, Canada

First Reported

April 29, 2022

Drive Products Suffers Ransomware Attack

Company Size and Industry Standing

Drive Products has established itself as a significant entity within the transportation sector, providing an extensive array of products and services. The company's online presence, highlighted through its website, demonstrates a comprehensive portfolio designed to meet a variety of needs within the transportation industry.

Vulnerabilities and Targeting

The increasing prevalence of ransomware attacks poses a significant threat to businesses across various sectors, with the manufacturing and transportation industries being particularly susceptible. Drive Products fell victim to such an attack, orchestrated by the ransomware group Quantum, leading to the encryption of its data and a subsequent ransom demand for its release. While specific details regarding the attack vector remain undisclosed, it is widely acknowledged that phishing emails and malicious websites represent common methods employed in the distribution of ransomware.

Mitigating Ransomware Attacks

In response to the escalating threat of ransomware, it is imperative for companies to adopt comprehensive security strategies. These should include the implementation of data backup systems capable of facilitating rapid data recovery post-attack, the imposition of file-access restrictions, and the deployment of security software engineered to identify and neutralize ransomware threats. Furthermore, fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness among employees and establishing stringent file-access controls are crucial steps in fortifying a company's defenses against ransomware infiltration.

Drive Products, a key player in the transportation industry, recently became the target of a ransomware attack by the Quantum group. This incident was publicized on the group's dark web leak site. As a prominent provider of work trucks, solutions, and services, Drive Products represents a notable example of the increasing vulnerability of the transportation sector to cyber threats. In light of this, the adoption of robust security measures, encompassing data backup systems, file-access restrictions, and advanced security software, alongside employee education, is essential in mitigating the risk of future ransomware attacks.


Recent Ransomware Attacks

The Recent Ransomware Attacks (RRA) site acts as a watchtower, providing you with near real-time ransomware tracking of attacks, groups and their victims. Given threat actors’ overarching, lucrative success so far, ransomware attacks have become the most ubiquitous, and financially and informationally impactful cyber threat to businesses and organizations today.

The site’s data is generated based on hosting choices of real-world threat actors, and a handful of other trackers. While sanitization efforts have been taken, we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy of the data. Attack updates will be made as source data is reported by reputable sources. By viewing, accessing, or using RRA you acknowledge you are doing so at your own risk.