Ransomware Attack on Tiendas Macuto by BrainCipher: 300GB Data at Risk

Incident Date:

August 17, 2024

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Ransomware Attack on Tiendas Macuto by BrainCipher: 300GB Data at Risk


Tiendas Macuto




Caracas, Venezuela

, Venezuela

First Reported

August 17, 2024

Ransomware Attack on Tiendas Macuto by BrainCipher

Tiendas Macuto, a prominent retail chain in Venezuela, has recently fallen victim to a ransomware attack orchestrated by the BrainCipher group. The attackers claim to have exfiltrated 300GB of sensitive data from the company's systems and have threatened to release this information publicly if their demands are not met within 22-23 days.

About Tiendas Macuto

Tiendas Macuto operates both physical stores and an online platform, offering a variety of products and services aimed at providing convenience to customers. The company features a credit system known as "MacuCrédito" and a layaway program called "sistema de apartado," which allows customers to reserve items and pay for them over time. Tiendas Macuto emphasizes customer support and engagement, aiming to create an accessible and accommodating shopping experience for its clientele in Venezuela.

Attack Overview

The BrainCipher ransomware group has claimed responsibility for the attack on Tiendas Macuto via their dark web leak site. The group has posted sample screenshots of the stolen data to substantiate their claims. The compromised data includes sensitive organizational information, which could have severe implications for the company if released publicly.

About BrainCipher

BrainCipher is a relatively new ransomware group that emerged in early June. They gained notoriety after a high-profile attack on Indonesia’s National Data Center. The group primarily uses phishing and spear phishing to deliver their ransomware payloads, which are based on LockBit 3.0. BrainCipher operates a TOR-based data leak site where they publish information about companies that fail to meet their ransom demands.

Potential Vulnerabilities

Tiendas Macuto's extensive use of online platforms and customer data systems, such as MacuCrédito and the layaway program, may have made them an attractive target for ransomware groups like BrainCipher. The reliance on digital systems for customer transactions and data storage could have provided multiple entry points for the attackers. Additionally, the company's focus on customer engagement and support might have led to vulnerabilities in their cybersecurity measures.

Penetration Methods

BrainCipher likely penetrated Tiendas Macuto's systems through phishing or spear phishing attacks, which are common methods for initial access. The group may have also used initial access brokers to facilitate the infiltration. Once inside, BrainCipher would have deployed their ransomware payload, encrypting files and exfiltrating data to use as leverage for their ransom demands.


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