lockbit2 attacks CWA Ltd

Incident Date:

May 2, 2022

World map



lockbit2 attacks CWA Ltd






Birmingham, United Kingdom

Birmingham, United Kingdom

First Reported

May 2, 2022

CWA Ltd Suffers Ransomware Attack by LockBit2

Company Overview

CWA Ltd is a company that operates in the Minerals & Mining sector. The size and specific details about the company are not available in the search results.

Industry Standout

CWA Ltd is a company that operates in the Minerals & Mining sector, which is a critical industry for the global economy. The sector is responsible for the extraction of minerals and metals, which are essential for various industries, including construction, manufacturing, and technology.


The specific vulnerabilities that led to the attack on CWA Ltd are not mentioned in the search results. However, it is known that LockBit2 is a ransomware group that uses a variety of tactics to infiltrate systems, including exploiting vulnerabilities in software and using phishing emails to gain access to credentials.

Mitigation Strategies

To mitigate the risks of ransomware attacks, companies should regularly back up their data, keep their systems and applications updated, enforce the principle of least privilege, secure email gateways, implement defense in depth, and foster a culture of security in the workplace.

The attack on CWA Ltd by LockBit2 highlights the need for companies to be vigilant against ransomware threats. By implementing robust cybersecurity measures and staying informed about the latest threats, companies can reduce their risk of being targeted by cybercriminals.


Recent Ransomware Attacks

The Recent Ransomware Attacks (RRA) site acts as a watchtower, providing you with near real-time ransomware tracking of attacks, groups and their victims. Given threat actors’ overarching, lucrative success so far, ransomware attacks have become the most ubiquitous, and financially and informationally impactful cyber threat to businesses and organizations today.

The site’s data is generated based on hosting choices of real-world threat actors, and a handful of other trackers. While sanitization efforts have been taken, we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy of the data. Attack updates will be made as source data is reported by reputable sources. By viewing, accessing, or using RRA you acknowledge you are doing so at your own risk.